Leader Resources
Thank you for all that you do! Pack 3495 would fold if it were not for your selfless dedication to our youth. I want to personally say "thank you", and I know that still isn't enough. Often you all work long hours providing for your own families and then work to provide a good program for our Scouts. You are making a difference! To try and make your job a little easier, I have compiled a list of resources that, hopefully, will help you in some way. Please use any of these resources in any manner you feel is appropriate for your den. I have also attached a variety of videos that may be of great benefit to you. Please let me know should you need anything else or if I can be of any additional service to you!
Yours in Scouting,
Srinivas M.D, Cubmaster
2024 Cub Program Resources
The Cub Scout Leader Book has been updated for the 2024-2025 Scouting year. To keep costs low, this is only available through the online, PDF copy. Please feel free to click below to open and download the book.
If you would like a roster to keep track of all your Scout’s advancements, you can use the Advancement Report button below to print a roster for your den!
Additional Resources
Training Videos
Communication Within Your Unit
Creating a Sense of Community in Your Pack
Cub Scout Knife Safety (Video)
GPS Navigation for Rank Advancement
Growing Through Connective Relationships
Holding a Successful "Join Scout" Night
One Hour a Week? Managing Scout/Life Balance
Questions Effective Leaders Need to be Asking
Running an Effective Cub Scout Committee Meeting
Strengthening Relationships with Schools
The Eagle Scout Service Project
The Guide to Safe Scouting and Camping
Unit Fundraising - Enabling the Adventure
Utilizing Social Media in Recruitment
We Are Able - Leading Scouts with Disabilities
What Makes a Good Scoutmaster?
Miscellaneous Resources
Pinewood Derby
Pinewood Derby Tips and Tricks (Video)
Pinewood Derby Tips and Tricks - Advanced (Video)